Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree

    I heard this song when I was a kid.At that time, I was not familiar with English, so I asked my mom what was this song about.
    The song was based on an actual incident that occurred aboard a southern bus bound for Miami. One of the passengers explained to the driver that he was just out of prison, having served three years for passing bad checks. In a letter to his wife, he had written that she didn't have to wait for him; but if she still loved him and wanted to forgive him, she could let him know by tying a yellow ribbon around the only oak tree in the city square. As the bus nearing the man's hometown of White Oak, Georgia, the driver was asked to slow down so that all passengers could see whether the ribbon was in place.To everybody's surprise,there were hundreds of ribbons on oak trees. Everybody was cheering and the man couldn't say a word because he was surprised so much.
    I was deeply touched by this story.And I swore to god that I will never commit any crime to put myself in such an awkward situation because I don't think my future wife would do the same thing and forgive me.
ha ha ha

The song's link


  1. Ha ha ha~
    I can't agree you any more. I also think your wife will not forgive you. However, before going into that awkward situation, you have to find your wife first. I think that is the most important part. ha~ha~ha~
    Before reading your post, I didn't know this song is the so-called "Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree",though I have heard it many times. Thanks for sharing the story.

  2. I can't agree with the frist comment anymore!
    Ah...I just play a joke. Don't put it in mind. :目
    To begin with, I thought it is a touching article, and you would write something moving. Nevertheless, at the end of the article, I couldn't help but keep laughing. By the way, I also have known this story when I read my English textbook in senior high. It's really a beatiful story, but I think no one will do the same thing in reality.
