Sunday, November 18, 2012

Billie Jean

     In these few weeks, we learned about Michael Jackson in the English class, so I want to introduce to you a song called "Billie Jean"! "Billie Jean" is the best song of all his songs I think, because the most amazing dance was from this song. Do you know which dance I mean? What I'm talking about is "moon walk"!
    This song is about a girl who claimed that Jackson was the father of her child. Jackson based it on a woman who used to stalk him, writing him letters about her son whom she believed was his. Jackson rarely spoke about this woman, but he had a very hard time dealing with this unwanted attention, and he became more reclusive as a result. The song was his way of expressing his feelings without addressing her directly.
    Although we have seen the MV before, "moon walk" didn't obviously appear in the MV. So I found a live version which has "moon walk" in it! 

The link of "Billie Jean":

1 comment:

  1. On the class, we have saw the MV, but I still didn't know what the song is talking about. After reading the lyrics under the linked video, I finally know the story of the song. At that moment, I was shocked. I can't believe with such simple and weird lyrics, "Billie Jean" can be that famous. Maybe it is MJ's personality that charm everyone.
